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covid-19 update
in these unprecidented times, we are relying solely on God and His sovereinty. we pray that even through all of this, we are living to glorify Him alone. God is using this for His good, even if we don't quite see it that way.
with a lot of things shutting down on a regular basis all around our country, shirts are unfortunately taking longer to come in and stocks are vastly depleted. we promise to make your shirts as quickly as they come in, but it may just be a little longer than usual, but please be on the lookout for emails from us :)
like earlier stated, a lot of shirt colors are running out of stock quickly, but we will do everything we can to get the shirt color from the original listing. if that color is not available, we will reach out to you to either select a new color of your choosing, or for a refund. so, again, please be on the lookout for an email from us!